Mindfulness (engl.)
Learn mindfulness: with our wide range of coaching, courses, exercises and these 5 simple tips.
Mindfulness helps us to be more relaxed, content and calm in our everyday lives. We show you what mindfulness means and how you can improve your mindfulness. Our experienced mindfulness coaches offer various programmes, courses and seminars. Are you ready to learn mindfulness and return to the here and now?
Understanding and learning mindfulness
Learning mindfulness is a matter of practice and can be mastered even by beginners. Although mindfulness and meditation have some similarities, mindfulness does not necessarily mean meditating for hours on end. Rather, you direct your own attention to the here and now.
Everyday life often passes us by without us really experiencing it. Instead of living in the moment, we worry about the future. But how do we get out of this negative spiral of thoughts? The answer is to learn mindfulness! When you are mindful, you are aware of everything you are experiencing right now. This also means accepting your own feelings, thoughts, strengths and weaknesses as they arise.
Learning mindfulness – why actually?
Imagine: On your next walk, the chirping of the birds sounds like music to your ears. You are aware of all your to-do’s, but don’t get lost in fears and worries. It is normal for your mind to wander from time to time. Just by becoming aware of this process, you learn to be mindful. At the same time, you strengthen your intuition, experience positive feelings and serenity.
The path to mindfulness has many positive effects, such as:
- More relaxation and balance in everyday life
- Awareness of your own needs
- Increasing your own resilience
- Letting go of fears
- Increasing vitality, mood and joie de vivre
- Reduction of stress
- Strengthening physical and mental well-being
- Practising mindfulness in everyday life
- Whether for yourself, as a couple or for your children – there are many proven mindfulness exercises that can be easily integrated into everyday life.
Even short mindful moments throughout the day can make a big difference. For example, you can learn to write mindfully, eat mindfully or practice mindfulness before bed.
Would you rather take an online course or seminar on mindfulness? Or do you prefer to have a personal mindfulness guide who can give you advice and support? Then we recommend our mindfulness offers. Also find out how the calmbase founders Alex and Caro get through their everyday life mindfully.
Learning mindfulness: 5 mindfulness exercises and examples
Body scan
In the body scan, you direct your attention step by step to your individual body parts and feel deeply into them.
For example, start with your feet and move your attention along your whole body up to your head. Then perceive your body as a whole and breathe deeply and evenly. With this exercise you relax your body and mind and learn to let go.
Mindfulness journal
Writing helps you to become more aware of your feelings and thoughts and to be able to reflect on them.
Every morning when you get up, write down 3 things you are grateful for at that moment. This could be your family, your partner or the fresh air in the early morning. You will soon feel how this mindfulness exercise gives you more joy and satisfaction in your everyday life.
Mindful eating
Instead of skipping breakfast or gobbling down lunch before the next meeting, try mindful eating to perceive the eating process with all your senses. What does your meal look like? What does it smell like? How does it taste? Try to eat as slowly as possible, doing nothing else and chewing consciously. In this way, your meal becomes a special experience and you can learn and improve mindfulness.
Walk mindfully
Remember the last time you went for a walk. Were you consciously aware of walking or were you already ten steps ahead in your mind? In mindful walking you walk a little slower than usual. Put one foot down after the other. During the exercise, try to be aware of all the momentary sensations. You can practise mindful walking at home or outdoors. Even your daily walk to the supermarket can become a mindfulness practice.
Mindfulness meditation for beginners
Assume a comfortable sitting position. Breathe in deeply through the nose and into the belly so that it curves outwards. You can close your eyes or let your gaze wander. Observe your breath and concentrate on how the air flows in and out. If your mind wanders, that’s okay. Then simply return your attention to the inhalation and exhalation.
Mindfulness (engl.): Angebote
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